
We’re Moving! Meet us at!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, pets, blog. moving, box

This is the official announcement for all you loyal readers: Sadie and I are moving to a self-hosted blog with our own domain! After much research it seems to me that there are many benefits to a self-hosted blog and that I should make the switch sooner, rather than later. So wish me luck, we are making the switch tonight. If all goes well, all of you who follow this blog should be automatically switched to following the new blog. But if a few days go by and you don’t see any new posts from Sadie and I, then head over to our new blog address and follow us again. Let me know if you notice anything not working correctly. Thank you for all your likes and comments and encouragement. Hopefully you will continue to enjoy and engage with the adventures of Sadie at our new home:!

Before and After

            dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, haircut, grooming, snow, boots

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, grooming, haircut

So Sadie finally went to the groomer. I like to call it her “Spa Day” in an effort to make it sound nice and relaxing. She gets to sit back and have her hair and nails done. What girl wouldn’t love a day like that? Unfortunately Sadie finds her Spa Days the complete opposite of relaxing. She starts shaking in the car and cries when I hand her over to the groomer. When she’s done and the groomer hands her back to me and I make a fuss over how pretty she looks, Sadie attempts to put as many holes in my clothing as she can manage with her newly sharpened claws. On the ride home I tell Sadie what a good girl she was while she ignores me, refuses to look at me, and moves away when I try to pet her. Once in the house Sadie gets her revenge by peeing on the carpet. If I give her a treat, she takes it and walks away, clearly still mad at me. Only after I offer to share some of my dinner with her does the forgiveness begin. By the next morning all is forgiven and forgotten, and we get two months of well-groomed cuteness before we have to start all over again.

The Temptation of TP

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, mischief, toilet paper

This picture is a reminder that I need to tell house guests to keep my home dog-proof. A relative was spending the night and noticed that the toilet paper was running out, so they thoughtfully left a brand new roll on the floor in the bathroom. I woke up in the middle of the night to strange sounds coming from the bathroom and noticed that the dog was no longer in bed. I found Sadie sitting on the bathroom floor, using her back paws to keep the roll of toilet paper in place, while her front paws were moving at lightening speed unrolling the tp and shredding it to pieces. I ran to get the camera and caught the picture of her still in action. Then she turned to me and gave me a look that said “I found this on the floor. That means  it’s mine, right?”

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, pets, mischief, toilet paper

This post is part of the Monday Mischief blog hop.

Snoopy's Dog Blog

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Our First Black and White Sunday

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, black and white

Sadie and I have decided to give black and white photography a try and join the Black and White Sunday blog hop. I’ve learned that my baby looks cute no matter what color the photo is. And I love finding new excuses to take more pictures of her. Also, she gets just as annoyed with me when I take too many pictures of her in black and white as she does when I take too many pictures in color. I guess it’s a tough life when you’re too cute.

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Sadie Celebrates National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, peanut butter

In honor of National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, Sadie gets to play with one of her all time favorite toys – the almost empty peanut butter jar. She can spend hours at a time trying to lick every last trace of peanut buttery goodness from the bottom of the jar. And as a bonus for her humans, she’ll have nice peanut butter breath when she’s done! So whether it’s straight from the jar, on a sandwich, or any other way you like it, enjoy some peanut butter today and have a happy National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day!

Sadie’s First Haircut – #RecipeForMoments – Flashback Friday #2

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, haircut, grooming, puppy


dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, haircut, grooming


So Sadie is my first puppy, my very first dog ever. I did my research on breeds and training and everything and was mostly prepared when I brought her home. She was a tiny black little fur-ball and I instantly loved her. When I took her to the vet for the first time, the vet said she had a minor skin condition caused by interaction with chickens on the farm where she was born. We were able to clear up her skin pretty quickly, but doing so gave my little girl a bad case of dandruff. I brushed her multiple times a day, but her black fur remained stubbornly full of white flakes. I couldn’t wait until she could go to the groomer and all the flaky fur could be trimmed away. But since she was such a tiny pup, the vet was taking her time and spacing out Sadie’s vaccinations. Sadie was a little over four months old before she finally got all her shots and was allowed to go to the groomer. Being an overprotective mommy, I did all kinds of research again and finally made an appointment with a cage-free groomer that my vet recommended. The day came and the groomer was so nice and accommodating. She gave me a tour of the facility, discussed different haircut options, and assured me that my baby was in good hands. When I left Sadie with her and went outside to wait, I actually had a few tears in my eyes. It was my baby’s first haircut and the first time we had ever been separated since I brought her home from the breeder. So a couple of hours later I get the call that she’s done and I rush back to the groomer to pick her up. Out comes the groomer carrying this little gray dog and I’m confused. My Sadie is black and tan, not gray. I actually asked the groomer if she was sure that was the correct dog. As soon as Sadie heard my voice, she squirmed out of the groomer’s arms and leaped into mine, licking my face like crazy. It’s like she knew I needed the reassurance and was saying “Of course it’s me, Mommy! I missed you so much!”

This post is part of the BlogPaws #RecipeForMoments blog hop brought to you by Nature’s Recipe.

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No Mom, I Will Not Eat My Vegetables!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, tongue, blanket, vegetables

 Sadie sat in the kitchen last night, wrapped up in her blankie, watching me make dinner. She was sitting there so nice and quiet and patiently that I decided to give her a reward. When I offered her a piece of carrot from the stove she actually stuck her tongue out at me! I could just see her thinking “You call that a reward? I smell the steak you’re cooking. Where’s my piece of that?”

This post is part of the Thursday Bark And Bytes Blog Hop hosted by 2 Brown Dawgs and Heart Like A Dog.

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Toasty Warm

dog, blanket, toasty, warm, yorkipoo, designer dog

After the warm weekend we had, last night felt absolutely freezing. Sadie was too cold to look out the window at all, and kept snuggling under the covers of my bed instead. As soon as I wrapped her up in a nice warm blanket she gave me a contented sigh, like she was saying thank you, then drifted off to sleep.