
Before and After

            dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, haircut, grooming, snow, boots

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, grooming, haircut

So Sadie finally went to the groomer. I like to call it her “Spa Day” in an effort to make it sound nice and relaxing. She gets to sit back and have her hair and nails done. What girl wouldn’t love a day like that? Unfortunately Sadie finds her Spa Days the complete opposite of relaxing. She starts shaking in the car and cries when I hand her over to the groomer. When she’s done and the groomer hands her back to me and I make a fuss over how pretty she looks, Sadie attempts to put as many holes in my clothing as she can manage with her newly sharpened claws. On the ride home I tell Sadie what a good girl she was while she ignores me, refuses to look at me, and moves away when I try to pet her. Once in the house Sadie gets her revenge by peeing on the carpet. If I give her a treat, she takes it and walks away, clearly still mad at me. Only after I offer to share some of my dinner with her does the forgiveness begin. By the next morning all is forgiven and forgotten, and we get two months of well-groomed cuteness before we have to start all over again.

Sadie the Explorer

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, snow, boots, explorer

Today Sadie found a whole area of untouched snow to explore. She was so excited to be the first to trek across that pristine landscape with only her nose to guide her and her paw prints to lead her back to me. You could see the pure joy on her little face as she sniffed around, climbing the snowdrifts, digging around interesting bushes and trees.  When she was done exploring she came racing back to me, practically leaping into my arms with excitement. I guess I’m forgiven for making her wear boots for the second day in a row.

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Like My Boots?

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, snow, boots

Before Sadie and I went walking around today I decided she needed to wear her boots. Everything is such a mess outside with snow and ice and slush and salt, that I thought it would be a good idea if her paws were protected. While in the house she fought me tooth and nail to get the boots off, but that didn’t work. Then she switched to her favorite form of passive protest: freezing like a statue and refusing to move. No food, no treats, me leaving, nothing at all will get her to move again unless I take off whatever is annoying her. But she didn’t win this time. I just picked her up, boots and all, and carried her outside. Then she saw all the snow and started sniffing the outside air and her doggy instincts took over. She walked and ran and sniffed and frolicked as usual, completely forgetting about those pesky boots.