Need a Tissue?

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, tissue, mischief

Today Sadie is joining the Monday Mischief blog hop. In this photo we see the birth of one of Sadie’s favorite forms of mischief: tissue shredding. She has learned to snatch tissues out of pockets, out of the garbage, and will sometimes jump on top of you while you blow your nose and try to steal the tissue right out of your hand. She’s been known to stare at a box of tissues for hours at a time until I can’t withstand the puppy-dog eyes any longer and hand her a tissue to rip to shreds.

Snoopy's Dog Blog

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Territory Invasion

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, sleepy

Sadie’s territory was invaded this weekend by guests from out of town. At first she was shy around so many new people and kept hiding behind my legs and jumping into my arms. Then she got curious and started cautiously sniffing around everyone’s feet. She would walk towards someone, plant her back paws in safe territory, then creep forward with her front paws until she was stretched out as far as she could go and sniffed as much of the person as she could reach that way. After a while it became clear that these people weren’t leaving anytime soon, so Sadie decided to trust the new person sitting closest to her and presented him with one of her squeaky toys. From then on she had a blast, playing and chasing her toys and running after anyone who tried to walk out of the room. She even showed off a few of her best tricks to entertain everybody. Now that our guests have gone and the house is quiet, Sadie has passed out on the couch from the overload of excitement.

Flashback Friday #1

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, puppy, baby picture

Today I’ve decided to begin a new feature for the blog: Flashback Fridays. I have so many adorable baby pictures (or should I say puppy pictures?) of Sadie that I want to share. So I’m creating an excuse to share them.

We begin with Sadie’s very first baby picture, taken on the car ride home from the breeder. Note my camera’s lens cap is just about the same size as her tiny head.

Can’t Take Anymore, Again!

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo. sleep, seo, social media

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Once again I’m up in the middle of the night working on SEO and social media stuff for this blog. Tonight alone I’ve signed up with Rebel Mouse (, BlogPaws, triberr, and Bloglovin’. And just like last time (see my earlier post Can’t Take Anymore!), Sadie has completely taken over my bed. Well not for long. She can stretch and yawn and look cute all she wants, but eventually she’s got to give me my pillow back. Now move over Sadie.

Sadie the Boy Scout?

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, haircut, grooming, boy scout, merit badges

Sadie is due to be groomed next week, and after making her appointment, I decided to look at the pictures I took after her last grooming. Something about this picture makes my beautiful little girl look like a boy. It’s the same haircut the groomer always gives her. She’s worn plenty of bandanas before without looking like a boy. But somehow the combination of everything in this photo turns Sadie into a tomboy. She looks like she’s ready for a meeting of the Boy Scouts. Can Yorkipoos earn merit badges?

Sadie the Explorer

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, snow, boots, explorer

Today Sadie found a whole area of untouched snow to explore. She was so excited to be the first to trek across that pristine landscape with only her nose to guide her and her paw prints to lead her back to me. You could see the pure joy on her little face as she sniffed around, climbing the snowdrifts, digging around interesting bushes and trees.  When she was done exploring she came racing back to me, practically leaping into my arms with excitement. I guess I’m forgiven for making her wear boots for the second day in a row.

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Like My Boots?

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, snow, boots

Before Sadie and I went walking around today I decided she needed to wear her boots. Everything is such a mess outside with snow and ice and slush and salt, that I thought it would be a good idea if her paws were protected. While in the house she fought me tooth and nail to get the boots off, but that didn’t work. Then she switched to her favorite form of passive protest: freezing like a statue and refusing to move. No food, no treats, me leaving, nothing at all will get her to move again unless I take off whatever is annoying her. But she didn’t win this time. I just picked her up, boots and all, and carried her outside. Then she saw all the snow and started sniffing the outside air and her doggy instincts took over. She walked and ran and sniffed and frolicked as usual, completely forgetting about those pesky boots.

Sadie and the Snow Lady

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, snow, snowman, snowlady

Sadie and I woke up to a blizzard this morning, which brought another foot and a half of snow. Instead of shoveling all that snow like a responsible person, I decided it was time for Sadie to meet her first snowman. While I heaped snow into a somewhat person-like shape, Sadie decided to move as much snow as she could into the house. She kept rolling around in the snow, then running into the house, shaking the snow off of her fur, and running back out to check on what I was doing.  When I finally finished my snowlady (she’s wearing a pink hat, therefore she is a girl), Sadie sniffed her a couple of times, but did not seem impressed with my efforts. Instead Sadie led me into the house to show me the snow she tracked all over the floor. She seemed confused when I gathered it all up and brought it back outside, like she was wondering why I wouldn’t want snow in the house. I tried to explain that snow and snowpeople live outside, but she wasn’t listening. She was already collecting more snow on her fur to bring back inside.

dogs, designer dogs, yorkipoo, snow, snowman, snowlady